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Get off the diet roller coaster 🎢

So you are ready to lose the weight once and for all. So you start to ask around to your friends that have lost weight, searching on the inter-webs 📱 for easy ways to drop pounds just fast - but for good. You know that you are going to have to make some changes and you have done that before. But all those other diets never worked. You try fasting, counting, restricting, working out, water, pills, and meditation......but it isn't working....for you. You see success story after success story that just drives you crazy that is must be YOU. You are the broken one. You are the special unicorn 🦄 that just can't lose the weight.

Hi my name is Stephanie and I'm here to help you navigate the world of weight loss specifically weight loss without dieting so that you get to lose the weight, feel better, and gain the confidence you need to not only hit your goal weight but life your goal life.

I'm going to be sharing some tips and strategies throughout each blog post to help you take action that will get you some real results. It's no miracle cure and it will take time, but what you will also learn along the way is who you really are. And who you are not! That can be just as eye opening my friend. So lets dig in and get started, ok?

First things first, I want you to just decide right here and now - you are good enough. You are not broken and just because it looks like everyone else is getting what they want - looks can be deceiving. You are only seeing a 1/10 of what is going on behind the scenes. I'm here to pull back the curtain and help you figure out what that can look like for you. Right now. How many times have you decided on a Sunday that you need to start first thing Monday morning and you purge the fridge and the pantry looking for all the "bad food" and either have a pity party and binge - or just throw it away because it's too tempting to have in the house? too. But there are other ways too. You don't need to wait til Monday or "after the holidays" to start losing weight. You can get started right now. With your next meal. And it is easier than you think.

Most of the diets out there focus on restriction. Less calories, less fat, less know the drill. Low carb, high protein, no dairy, gluten free yada yada yada. But that does not help you when it's 10 pm and you need to unwind from a shit-tastic day and you just grab cookies or chips from the pantry so you can relax. I have created a guide to help you stop the late night eating - which usually happens due to emotions not actual hunger. You can get it here Get Outta The Pantry

You already know that if you eat less and move more you will lose weight. But what worked for you in the past won't always work for you now. You need to find out what will work for you right now. I can help you. So let's get to work!

What is your weight loss goal? You need to have at least an idea of your goal weight so you know how to reverse engineer your plan. Even if you end up changing your mind later down the road. So pick a weight and let's move on.

Why is it important to lose this weight? Why do you want to lose it? Don't skip this step. When you have hard days this why is going to help push you through and keep you going. You can have more than one why, in fact you probably have a few. But don't just do it for other people like family or loved ones. Be sure there is a why for YOU. It's not selfish at all, it will help you keep going when you need it most. You will start to put yourself first from here on out. I know you aren't used to it, but I just want you to try. The more you take care of yourself and fill your cup the more you have to give to everyone around you. So when you pick your WHY make sure it comes from you for you. Even if it feels strange, you will start to get used to it. When you are the best version of yourself you become a better wife, mom, daughter, etc.

Now that you have your goal weight and your why, it's time to do some math. It's time to reverse engineer to find out realistically when you will get to your goal. Not to put a clock on your weight loss but it can help you as you find out what works and what doesn't. You are going to lose between .5-2 lbs per week. Depending on how much weight you have to lose. The more you have to lose the more you will lose especially early on. But I want you to normalize losing small amounts of weight. It's ok if it comes off slower. This will make it even easier to keep the weight off. You might not care when you hit your goal weight, but if you do this is the math that can help you create a timeline.

So let's say your goal is to lose 50 pounds, at 1 pound a week it's going to take about a year to lose it all. That is about 4-5 pounds per month. You want your goal to feel easy and doable. Not hard and overwhelming. You can put your #'s in that formula and find your timeline.

Now is the time to take action. That is the only way that you will start to make progress. Get used to gathering data. The key to your success is going to come in assessing your action steps. You can stop doing things that don't work and double down on the ones that do. But in the beginning you just need data. I'm here to help you get some easy wins, because then you can rinse and repeat.

Want more support? You can join my Facebook group HOT MESS TO HOT MAMA. You can get accountability, support and even more tips on creating a life you love!


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